Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Freshman Fifteen

So back in the day, I had always heard going into college to watch out for the freshman fifteen. I mean its easy to do. Lots of fast food, lots of beer, less exercise, less sleep, etc. And although I didn't gain the freshman fifteen right away, my weight did fluctuate in college. I also heard back in the day that after
30, 40, etc that it gets harder to lose weight. HAHAHAHAHA, back then I didn't believe it. BUT what people DID NOT tell me about was the newlywed fifteen. Or maybe its just me???? Between hurting my foot and not being able to run, picking up some old bad habits, not eating right and well, basically the exact opposite of being healthy it shouldn't be a surprise to me that I have gained some weight. It just happens so fast. Why is it that it takes you so long and so much dedication to lose the weight and it seems to come back in lightening speed? I know I only have myself to blame and this isn't a pity party but man does it SUCK. I dread going into the closet before work everyday bc it takes me that much longer to pick something out to strategically minimalize the muffin top. Or there's the other half of the closet that just doesn't fit anymore. I still haven't convinced myself to buy a size up yet (DENIAL) so like I said, I have to be creative about the clothing choices. With my 1 year anniversary coming up I have been looking at pictures from this time last year and its a little depressing that I haven't kept up with the workouts and the meal plan. The wedding was such a big motivator to stay fit but I know I am just gonna have to dig down deep and motivate myself to do it. Maybe Jillian Michaels can magically move in to my spare bedroom????????

Sunday, June 13, 2010

My sister is having......

A BOY!!!!!! I'm so excited to be expecting my newest nephew. And sooner than we thought. At my sister's appt she was measuring early so the moved her due date up from Oct 29th to Oct 5th. Wow-wee. They will measure her again at her appt next month and adjust the date again if necessary. I can't believe she is already half way through her pregnancy now. She is looking and feeling great and baby Bowman looks really good in there!!! Now time to start finishing up the baby shower plans and start shopping for BLUE!!!

Lookin' good baby T, your auntie can't wait to spoil you!!!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

The 'rents!

My parents did a little tour of Texas a couple of weeks ago. First stop was Austin to visit my sister and bro in law. Since Brooke and Dave moved down here in Nov my parents hadn't had the chance to see their house and since my sister is saving up every last minute of her vacation time for when her little one gets here, then it made sense for my parents to come visit the Lone Star state. So they spent their first few days in Austin then made the trek up to Dallas to visit us. I hadn't seen my parents since January so I was def in need of some family time. Last time my parents came was about 3 years ago and since it was their first time to visit us we dragged them around the whole city trying to fit everything in in a few days. This time was much more relaxed. We just planned everything around eating, HA. It was so nice just visiting and taking them to some of my fave places to eat around town. My mom really wanted to go to Corner Bakery to see the infamous place where I won $5,000. And we had to take them to Pazzo's Pizza for the best wedge salad known to man. And of course we couldn't NOT take them to Red Lobster since we take all of our visitors there now (hello employee discount). I was sad to see them leave esp since I won't see them again til August but it was fun while it lasted.

Mom and I at Sneaky Pete's

The crew at Saltgrass Steakhouse

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Let's Make A Deal

April has been a pretty fun month so far. The weather is getting warmer which is always nice, Easter dinner was a success, ducks came to visit us, we got our pool pump fixed on the pool, FINALLY, so the pool is looking crystal clear compared to the junk that had accumulated over the winter, my sister had her first sonogram so we got to see her little one for the first time, the Deal's came to visit, my friends Sarah and JP found out they were having a baby Girl (bring on the pink), the Chiefs got the first Monday night game at home for the 2010 schedule. And we still have more to look forward to since we are going to see Chelsea Handler this weekend. Whew its been a fun month!!!! And here's some pics to go with it!

Cricket in her Easter dress

Our visitors

We had a great time when the Deal's came down to visit. It was definitely a fun time, the weather cooperated and it was a perfect mix of touristy stuff, going out, and just enjoying the company. They were here the 8th-11th. On Thursday we went to eat at Red Lobster, a new must when people come to visit, gotta support the company! Then Friday Ryan had to work so I took Ryan Deal and Beth to the Sixth Floor Museum and Dealey Plaza to see the JFK stuff.

Beth and I at Dealey Plaza

Later that night we went to downtown Grapevine to see a Stevie Ray Vaughn tribute band. Even though I wasn't familiar with the music it was still a good time and the boys really liked it since they're in to guitars and all that stuff.

At Tolberts for the show

Saturday we went to Ft. Worth to try out Cooper's Pit BBQ, its not quite KC BBQ but its pretty good. Then we walked around the stockyards a little bit and checked out some of the little shops. There were more people there then I have ever seen. I guess since the weather was so nice a lot of people had the same idea we did!!!

We had such a good time with the Deal's it was sad to see them leave on Sunday but I'm sure they wanted to get back home and to see their lil man, Rogan. But it was a blast while it lasted.

Overall we have had quite a few visitors this year and I.LOVE.IT. And it forces me to clean the house more often :) So far we've had my sister and BIL from Austin, our friends Nathan and Michelle from Minnesota, the Deal's from KC, and in May my parents are coming down for a few days, then my best friend Brooke is coming in June so its a lot to look forward too as well. I can't wait.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Luck O The Irish!

I have always been a big St. Patty's day fan, especially since I have to have some kind of Irish heritage with my maiden name. They celebrate it a little differently here in Dallas though, not as traditional in my opinion. In KC, the parade is always on actual St. Patrick's Day, rain or shine. It was fun to ask off of work for the event, months in advance and then get a group of friends to go to the parade. Drink away and then head on over to McCoy's in Westport. Even if it was FREEZING cold, which happens a lot of times in March in KC or unseasonably warm as can happen sometimes too, my Irish celebraters and I would get up early, go eat breakfast and then settle in to enjoy a long day of Irish drunkeness. KC really does have one of the top 10 parades around so its worth it!!!
But down here the Texans do it a little different. The party is on the Saturday before St. Patrick's Day. The parade starts around Mockingbird station area and is a couple hours long. Then everyone heads down to the block party on Greenville Ave. This year we lucked out and got gorgeous weather. Ryan was even sporting a slight sunburn after it all! And to top it all off my sister, Brooke and her husband Dave came up from Austin to enjoy the festivities with us. We got dressed up in our green garb and had a great time!!!
But that's not all we did while they were here. Since the weather was so nice we headed down to the Ft. Worth Stockyards on Sunday to walk around and eat some Pit Smoked BBQ at Cooper's (also not as good as KC, but still yummy). It was a fun weekend and I'm glad we got to spend some time w/ my sister and BIL since they are going to be really busy, really soon. They are expecting their first baby, due Oct 29th and we are all so excited.

St. Patty's Day 2005

St. Patty's Day 2006

St. Patty's Day 2007

St. Patty's Day 2008

St. Patty's Day 2008

St. Patty's Day 2010

Brooke and Dave

Me and Brooke

Friday, March 19, 2010

The Oscars

So after all that hype of going to see all the Oscar nominated movies, I kind of slacked on following up. So better late than never. I started out the night watching the red carpet on E!. Here are a few of my likes and dislikes from the red carpet.

First off, the dresses I liked!

What a beautiful pale pink dress. Great with her skin tone and gorgeous details!

While I'm not a fan of Kristen or Twilight, I loved this dress and thought it was a great choice and a really beautiful, Oscar worthy gown!

Usually I would think a dress like this would be TOO much, but I loved the color and the texture. Pretty, pretty, pretty!

I think Cameron looks like a total classic beauty in this dress. I love the flowiness of it and the beading.

This isn't the most gorgeous Oscar dress by any means but I thought it was a great choice for her and a very flattering cut!

Love the color and I am definitely a fan of ruching!

Now the ones I didn't like as much!

Too much, the beading, the coloring, the ruffles, just too much!

I think we all agree on this one, not a fan of the color and not a fan of the bewbies!

The color just washes her out!

Don't care for the print and don't think its flattering at all.

She's so young and hip and cute and this dress doesn't say any of that to me. It says 70's and boring.

After the Red Carpet and the Oscars started I liked Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin together. Classic funny guys. I am sad to say that I did not win the bet that Ryan and I set. He picked more winners than I did. But sometimes its hard to know who will win Best Sound Editing to Best Sound Mixing, am I right? But it was fun to give us something to cheer for in the more obscure categories. Overall the Cinderalla story was The Hurt Locker with Kathryn Bigelow winning best director and the movie winning best picture, meh. I had high hopes for the movie Precious which I would have liked to see win Best Picture. The Hurt Locker just didn't resonate with me that much, and while I get the importance of the first female best director, this film didn't move me or make me think or bring me to tears or any of the things I like to get out of a Best Picture. So better luck to me next year!!!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

More movie reviews!

We saw the last 2 movies we had left on our list for the Best Picture noms.

An Education
I really liked this movie but that being said I think it is more of a chick flick. It's about a teenage girl (Carey Mulligan)in London during the 60's trying to decide between her continuing education or settling down with a man almost twice her age (Peter Saarsgard). At first she sets her sights on attending Oxford but once her new, experienced, fun, exciting, cultured boyfriend comes on the scene and asks her to marry him she gives up her Oxford dream and decides to be a wife. She believes she is getting more of an education by having all these new found experiences with him, travelling, going to jazz clubs and museums, etc. She soon finds out that her boyfriend is not what she thought, in more ways than one, and she is forced to end the relationship with him. Since she had not taken her final exams at prep school, her Oxford dream is also shattered. She is left feeling hopeless, no future husband and now no schooling option either, until she reunites with her previous professor to get back on track to Oxford.

My grade: A-, this was a good movie, with some interesting twists. I liked it more than Ryan, probably bc it dealt more with women's emotional issues.

The Blind Side
Based on a true story about the well to do, white Tuohy family that takes in a near homeless high school aged African American boy, Michael Oher. After seeing Michael alone at school and walking around town in cold temps in only shorts and a T-shirt, Leigh Ann Tuohy (Sandra Bullock) makes the decision to welcome him into their family home. Mr. and Mrs. Tuohy and their 2 kids take to Michael and help him believe in himself, believe in school and believe in football. Ultimately he becomes an All-American and gets drafted into the NFL. But Michael wasn't the only one who benefits from the deal, the Tuohy's feel just as blessed to have him as part of the family too.

My grade: C+, I think we saw this movie too long after it came out. I had already heard so much about it for months but I am honestly SHOCKED that this film was nominated. In my opinion it is one step above a Lifetime channel movie. The acting wasn't that great, the movie was too long, and I didn't leave feeling inspired.

Finally, it is Oscar night. I am excited to see who wins and Ryan and I have a friendly wager going on to see who gets the most right. Fingers crossed for me!!!!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Oscar nominated movie reviews!

We're in our last push to see the Oscar nominated movies. We only have 2 to go til March 7th, we're only lacking The Blind Side and An Education.

In the last two weeks we saw:

The Hurt Locker
It doesn't have a ton of star power but its still a good film. It follows a unit of elite soldiers that have one of the toughest jobs in Iraq. They are in charge of disarming bombs and it is intense. The three main characters all have different, even clashing personalities when it comes to their personal lives and their professional lives. It is a good insight at the intense sacrifice and stresses our soldiers go through.
My grade: B, it was a good movie but I don't expect it to take home the statue. And I'm glad we saw the movie on video, I don't know if I would have paid full price to see it in the theater.

A Serious Man
Oh a Coen Brother movie. They always seem to snake their way in to the Oscars. Sometimes I have no idea why? When my husband went to rent this movie the Blockbuster employee told him the movie did not get good reviews and she told him that someone had even left a note in the movie when it was returned that it was "the worst movie ever seen". So we definitely did not have high hopes or expectations for the movie but we sat down to watch it anyway. I definitely felt the way I do with most Coen brother movies-good acting, good cinematography, but NO PLOT and this one was no different. But at the end, Ryan and I weren't left feeling like it was the worst movie ever, maybe it was because our expectations were so low. But it was easy to watch and I liked the general story. It follows a Jewish family in the 60's going through divorce, death, family struggles, work struggles and the son going through his coming of age bar mitzvah. During the commentary the Coen brothers did reflect that they got some of the stories from their own youth so that helped make a little more sense.
My grade: B+, but again we could be biased bc we were not expecting anything from this movie. I hope it doesn't win but I would have put it in the top 5 nominations.

Up in the Air
This movie definitely has the star power with George Clooney as the lead actor. Clooney works for a third party company that is in charge of laying people off. He is quite the loner and lives to travel for work until he is partnered up with a young, new, female colleague. The new colleague shows him how its ok to have other people in your life, especially your family. I think this movie was pretty predictable but still hit a chord probably bc of how many people have been on the other side of George Clooney's character in this economy.
My grade: B-, to me the movie is just a run of the mill movie with a predictable plot line and not even a really exciting one at that.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Snowmageddon-Dallas style

February has been a crazy weather month all around the country. Sure Dallas isn't getting 40 inches dumped on them every other day like the East Coast but we did have a record amount of snow on Feb 11th. It hit 12.5 inches of snow fall in one day. We even had a small blanket of snow this past Tuesday too. Ok, El Nino we're all tired of this weather. I can't wait for Spring. I felt especially bad bc the weekend of the big Feb 11th snow storm we were expecting friends in town from Minnesota for the NBA All-Star weekend. They were hoping to come down wearing t-shirts and flip flops, but when they got here the first thing they said was "it looks just like Minnesota!" Its amazing they got here in the first place, over 500 flights were cancelled that day including theirs. They just happened to call the airlines later that evening and get another flight. So Nathan and Michelle made it down and we had a lot of fun hanging out, even the weather couldn't get us down!!!

Look at all that snow!!!

Ryan and Dirk at the NBA All-Star Expo

Michelle, Nathan, me, and Ryan at the Twisted Root for lunch

The Grassy Knoll

Monday, February 8, 2010

Oscar nominations!

I've mentioned in a few movie review posts that Ryan and I try to see all the Best Picture nominations each year. The nominations just came out last week and Ryan and I are already half way there to seeing all the Best Picture nominations. They have 10 nominations this year instead of 5 so it's a little more of a challenge but I hope we can get them all in before March 7th.

Best Picture Noms:
The Blind Side
District 9
An Education
The Hurt Locker
Inglourious Basterds
A Serious Man
Up in the Air

Best Actor
Jeff Bridges
George Clooney
Colin Firth
Morgan Freeman
Jeremy Renner

Best Actress
Sandra Bullock
Helen Mirren
Carey Mulligan
Gabourey Sidibe
Meryl Streep

We've seen: Avatar, District 9, Inglourios Basterds, Precious, and Up. I have heard really good things about the other 5 on the list so I am looking forward to seeing them. My personal vote for Best Picture based on the 5 I've seen so far is Precious. Fabulous acting and such a different, emotional, truthful, hopeful story that I hope it is rewarded for all of those characteristics.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

31 complete with Drag Queens!

I turned the big 3-1 on January 23rd. I know this post is a little dated now but it's taken me almost this long to recover. Back in November, Southwest Airlines had a ticket sale and I thought I would take advantage of it by taking a trip to good ole KC. Ryan wasn't able to come since he doesn't have a lot of vacation days this year with his new job. I flew in on Friday the 22nd after work. On Saturday I went to one of my fave KC restaurants, La Bodega with my parents. I have cravings for this place when we are in Dallas. Even though Ryan and I have tried out a few tapas places here in town NONE of them compare to La Bodega, its the BEST!!!!

Then for the nighttime festivities I thought what better way to celebrate my birthday than with the girls and with guys dressed like girls, right? I planned a girls night out to Flo's Cabaret. Flo did not disappoint and I had a great group of ladies with me, even my mom and mother in law joined the crowd. We had such a good time and I haven't had that much fun in awhile.

Sunday I celebrated w/ my Dad, StepMom, Stepbrother and Grandma for lunch.

On Monday my mom and I headed up north to visit my grandpa in his assisted living home. It was really important for me to see him since I don't get a chance to visit him as much as I'd like and I'm not sure how much longer it will be before he is able to remember the visits that I do make.

Tuesday I had to head back to Dallas. I had such a great trip and got to spend really good time with my friends and family, which I am so thankful for. It's times like that that I really miss being in KC. I don't get really homesick a lot but it's so hard to leave KC sometimes. I am really blessed with great family and friends and I know we will always remain close no matter where I'm at.

Mom and I at the airport!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

There's no better way to say it--I WON FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS!!!!

I still can hardly believe it!!!! Let me give you the background. There is a restaurant that I frequent here in town, the Corner Bakery. I love this place. They have the best turkey sandwich I've ever eaten, the Uptown Turkey sandwich, and I am quite familiar with turkey sandwiches. They also have the best Baked Potato soup, so good that I order it even in the 100+ degree Texas heat in the summer. And did I mention their Chopped Salad, cuz I love it too. I usually go eat at the restaurant at least once a week, sometimes 2 or 3 times in a week. Well, every time you get your receipt they have a survey to fill out with a chance to win $5000 in their quarterly drawing. Week after week I would fill out the survey. I got quite good at in fact, it wasn't hard, I mean I already love their food so the survey was just a few minutes of my time. I kept thinking, the $5000 giveaway is a numbers game and I frequent the restaurant so much and religiously fill out the survey that I was bound to win sometime, but c'mon, who knows anyone that really wins those things anyway-right?
Well this Monday it happened to me. The sweepstakes company called me Monday night. As soon as the voice on the other end said Corner Bakery, I knew I had won the $5000 and I went crazy, screaming and jumping, FINALLY it happened to ME. So I just have to verify that I am a legal US resident, over 18 and don't work at Corner Bakery and I will get a nice ole bump to my pocketbook in around 2 weeks. It was the icing on the cake, following a great birthday weekend in Kansas City, be looking for all those details in my next post.

Monday, January 11, 2010

I am so sick of diapers!!!

Why would I be sick of diapers you ask? My poor furbaby Cricket has a bladder stone issue. She first started having bladder stone problems in September 2008. Back then we went ahead and had surgery to remove the stone. We kept her on special, prescription Science Diet food since then in hopes of keeping her pH balances in check. But early this December I noticed Cricket squatting a lot to go potty, the tell tale sign of her bladder issues. So we went to the vet and x-rayed her and he said her bladder was filled with little stones. Well, just great, Cricket always seems to conveniently get these stones when we are headed on a trip to KC. Last time it was over Labor Day and Ryan's birthday, this year she was gonna be in KC for two weeks over Christmas. Instead of putting her in the crate for 23 hours a day we decided to put her in doggie diapers. It was a great idea, she could be out with the family and she could squat as much as she needed too. The stones put pressure on her and make her feel like she has to go ALL.THE.TIME. This time the vet said we could feed her a different type of prescription food to dissolve her stones but it could take up to MONTHS. Let me tell you, having a dog on specialty foods and diapers is not cheap. We pay $30 for 12 days of food and $20 for 4 days worth of diapers. I know its no fun for her either and I'm sure its painful, even though you wouldn't know it since she is still her crazy, hyper self. But it makes me think, if its this much work for my furbaby, I don't think I'm ready to head to mommyville anytime soon, lol!!!! It's crazy the things you'll do for your pets, gawd I love her!!!

Cricket sporting her doggie diaper!!!

Friday, January 1, 2010

My New Year's resolutions!

Is it a bad thing to have too many??? I know I could just get by with one but I have plenty of lofty ideas for 2010. I hope I can stick with them!

-Become more organized! (I have been watching the show Hoarders and it has enlightened me to get this house way more organized. On top of that we are not blessed with basements here in TX so by getting organized I can use the storage space we do have more wisely)

-Go to church more often! (This one shouldn't be that tough since its sad to say that our church days are pretty much non existent but I would like to start going at least once a month)

-Run a marathon! (This is actually the one I am most apprehensive about. I am nervous about my foot and the training involved in running a marathon. But I never believed I would be able to run a 20k even so I just have to keep positive)

-Pay off debt! (I have this one pesky credit card that I just can't seem to get rid of. I need to make a few better decisions in my spending to get that measly thing knocked out)

I think these are definitely accomplishable but that's easy to say on day 1 :)