Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Freshman Fifteen

So back in the day, I had always heard going into college to watch out for the freshman fifteen. I mean its easy to do. Lots of fast food, lots of beer, less exercise, less sleep, etc. And although I didn't gain the freshman fifteen right away, my weight did fluctuate in college. I also heard back in the day that after
30, 40, etc that it gets harder to lose weight. HAHAHAHAHA, back then I didn't believe it. BUT what people DID NOT tell me about was the newlywed fifteen. Or maybe its just me???? Between hurting my foot and not being able to run, picking up some old bad habits, not eating right and well, basically the exact opposite of being healthy it shouldn't be a surprise to me that I have gained some weight. It just happens so fast. Why is it that it takes you so long and so much dedication to lose the weight and it seems to come back in lightening speed? I know I only have myself to blame and this isn't a pity party but man does it SUCK. I dread going into the closet before work everyday bc it takes me that much longer to pick something out to strategically minimalize the muffin top. Or there's the other half of the closet that just doesn't fit anymore. I still haven't convinced myself to buy a size up yet (DENIAL) so like I said, I have to be creative about the clothing choices. With my 1 year anniversary coming up I have been looking at pictures from this time last year and its a little depressing that I haven't kept up with the workouts and the meal plan. The wedding was such a big motivator to stay fit but I know I am just gonna have to dig down deep and motivate myself to do it. Maybe Jillian Michaels can magically move in to my spare bedroom????????

1 comment:

  1. It happened to me too! And then I lost it, and then I gained it back, and then I got preggo, and then I lost it, and as of's back. Ugh!! It never ends!! (Whoops, that's not very motivating...)
