Sunday, March 7, 2010

More movie reviews!

We saw the last 2 movies we had left on our list for the Best Picture noms.

An Education
I really liked this movie but that being said I think it is more of a chick flick. It's about a teenage girl (Carey Mulligan)in London during the 60's trying to decide between her continuing education or settling down with a man almost twice her age (Peter Saarsgard). At first she sets her sights on attending Oxford but once her new, experienced, fun, exciting, cultured boyfriend comes on the scene and asks her to marry him she gives up her Oxford dream and decides to be a wife. She believes she is getting more of an education by having all these new found experiences with him, travelling, going to jazz clubs and museums, etc. She soon finds out that her boyfriend is not what she thought, in more ways than one, and she is forced to end the relationship with him. Since she had not taken her final exams at prep school, her Oxford dream is also shattered. She is left feeling hopeless, no future husband and now no schooling option either, until she reunites with her previous professor to get back on track to Oxford.

My grade: A-, this was a good movie, with some interesting twists. I liked it more than Ryan, probably bc it dealt more with women's emotional issues.

The Blind Side
Based on a true story about the well to do, white Tuohy family that takes in a near homeless high school aged African American boy, Michael Oher. After seeing Michael alone at school and walking around town in cold temps in only shorts and a T-shirt, Leigh Ann Tuohy (Sandra Bullock) makes the decision to welcome him into their family home. Mr. and Mrs. Tuohy and their 2 kids take to Michael and help him believe in himself, believe in school and believe in football. Ultimately he becomes an All-American and gets drafted into the NFL. But Michael wasn't the only one who benefits from the deal, the Tuohy's feel just as blessed to have him as part of the family too.

My grade: C+, I think we saw this movie too long after it came out. I had already heard so much about it for months but I am honestly SHOCKED that this film was nominated. In my opinion it is one step above a Lifetime channel movie. The acting wasn't that great, the movie was too long, and I didn't leave feeling inspired.

Finally, it is Oscar night. I am excited to see who wins and Ryan and I have a friendly wager going on to see who gets the most right. Fingers crossed for me!!!!

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